Honey is a food that millions of people consume daily, to sweeten meals or infusions, such as tea or coffee. It is also used in medicine and cosmetics. In this sense, the raw honey it is the alternative most chosen by many, as a replacement for sugar. For this reason, it is worth knowing its properties.
It is also important to differentiate, in the first place, raw honeys from commercial honey, since the latter go through a whole process until they reach the stores.
As far as 100% natural honeys are concerned, it is very safe to take them. But there are several features, which are worth knowing and highlighting, to take into account at the time of consumption.
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What is unfiltered raw honey?
The unfiltered raw honey, is one that has not been heated or pasteurized, after being removed from the honeycomb. In general, commercial honey goes through a whole pasteurization process, which consists of heating it to 70 ° C or more, and then cooling it immediately.
After this procedure, the honey acquires a more uniform appearance, thus achieving a more fluid texture. In the case of natural honey, as it is not intervened, the properties are intact, as left by the bees in the honeycomb.
The consumption of any type of honey can bring multiple benefits to the body, although you also have to have certain restrictions at the time of intake.
Properties of raw honey
Unfiltered raw honey is made up of 18% water and 82% sugars, also divided into glucose and fructose. This high sugar concentration, has its positive side and is that it has a great antiseptic and antimicrobial power, which helps heal wounds quickly.
Also, these characteristics make it a very good ally to calm the cough. In addition, it helps to help in various treatments, to deal with colds of different intensity.
In turn, among the properties of raw honey, we find very important minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, it has small amounts of vitamin A and B.
As far as its caloric value is concerned, compared to sugar, the honey has fewer calories. For this reason, it is the preferred choice of many, when it comes to replacing sugar in their diets.
It is that this natural food, provides about 320 kcal per 100 grams, while sugar, contains 400 kcal per 100 grams.
The industrial honey, on the other hand, has dyes, additives and aromatic compounds. Also, the heat treatments to which it is subjected, usually kills most of the antioxidants, vitamins and enzymes, which natural honey has.
Precisely, due to the loss of these important properties, it is that specialists recommend raw honey over commercial honey.
Possible risks of consuming raw honey
Is raw honey dangerous? While it is healthier than commercial honey, unlike pasteurized honey, it may contain some bacteria, due to the conditions in which it was spawned in the honeycomb by the bee.
For its part, it is not recommended that young children, consume raw honey, as its high sugar content can bring you some health problems.
In turn, the intake of this food is absolutely prohibited, for all those people who suffer from diabetes. Finally, having a large amount of sugar in its composition (more than 80%), it is not advisable to abuse in its consumption.
In this sense, natural honey has a high calorie content, like the vast majority of sweeteners, so it is always advisable to digest it in moderation.
Benefits of consuming raw honey
Unlike industrial honeys, natural honeys retain all their properties, so it is a much healthier food, as long as they are free of bacteria.
In this sense, all vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other important properties are maintained without any manipulation.
This is very beneficial for fight allergies, because raw honey contains traces of pollen that, when consumed in small quantities, somehow immunize the consumedr and prevent various allergies from developing.
In its natural state, this food derived from bees, has healing properties, so it is very useful for all kinds of scrapes or wounds on the body.
All these features listed, make it, in a great ally to calm the cough and, it also contributes to various treatments, for all kinds of colds.
Natural honey also possesses antibacterial properties and antioxidants, which provide various benefits for the body.
This food has a lot of moisturizing potential, since the high concentration of moisture, not only influences its viscosity, weight, flavor and color, but can be fundamental, to moisturize different parts of the body.
At this point, for example, it is increasingly used by cosmetic manufacturers, to develop products of this type for hair and skin.
Another advantage provided by raw honey is that, combined with other natural foods, such as lemon juice or cinnamon, it can favor the activity of the digestive system.
Finally, the direct application of honey, in inflamed muscles, is a powerful anti-inflammatory to cope with physical injuries.
As for raw honey and its benefits, it is essential to apply or ingest the food, in the right amounts, so that it does not produce the opposite effect to the one sought.
How to recognize raw honey?
Something very difficult to know, is how to recognize raw honey. Natural honey differs from commercial honey, especially in its textures. Raw honey has a less fluid texture and, for this reason, can be pasty and even granulated, depending on the temperature at which it was made.
In turn, this food in a state of rawness, should not present the classic foam, which is reflected in those pasteurized products.
Finally, the use of dyes in industrial honeys is another characteristic that can differentiate both types of food. In that case, you should have no problem recognizing raw honey.
In conclusion, it is safe to take raw honey, as long as it is done in moderation, because its high caloric content can bring adverse consequences for the body.