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How to prepare a boldo infusion

Boldo is a medicinal plant whose scientific name is Peumus boldus. He comes from South America and has many things to tell us.

Below we are going to tell you some of the most interesting properties of the boldo infusion, how to prepare it and, as always, possible contraindications.

The infusion of boldo has always been referenced as a medicinal plant to treat digestive ailments (stomach pains, acidity and heaviness, in general).

On the skin, through rubbing, it also acted as a powerful antiseptic and analgesic for small wounds and burns.

However, the information that we are going to release is in reference to the infusion of boldo, so it is closely related to your digestive, diuretic and depurative properties.

From the tree Peumus boldus you can take advantage of different parts, although the most used in traditional medicine are the leaves and bark of the tree.

Its fruits are non-toxic and can be used as an ingredient for dishes in different cuisines, typical of South America.

Medicinal properties of boldo

To obtain the gastrointestinal benefits through this medicinal plant, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of boldo leaves.

Throughout the article we will give you the simple recipe to prepare boldo infusion and be able to taste it before or during meals. Keep in mind that this tea can be mixed with other plants, such as mint, to improve its taste properties.

Internal application of boldo

Some known benefits of boldo infusion:

  • Gallstone reducer
  • Liver depurative
  • It helps remove liquids and prevents moisture retention.
  • Reduces the condition of urinary tract infections.
  • Reduces states of anxiety, insomnia and helps calm the nervous system
  • Improves the immune system (in vitro study)

External application

  • Applied by gauze on the chest, it reduces congestion due to mucus and colds.
  • In massage on the body, it reduces the pains caused by rheumatism

Boldo for the respiratory system

One of the star components of boldo is eucalyptol essential oil.

The Eucalyptol, together with the Cineol relieve chest congestion and improve airway traffic.

In fact, many of the pharmaceuticals that are used to relieve the respiratory system contain eucalyptol, among other principles.

Boldo extract to apply to the chest

50 grams of dried leaves on 1 liter of water, bringing it to a boil. It is left to rest and applied with a cloth on the chest, leaving it to act at least 5 min.

In a matter of seconds you will notice relief when breathing, which will remain so for several hours.

Boldo vs. Muscle Injuries

Inside the boldo there are at least 4 localized plant extracts that have potential action against inflammations and muscle pain, in general.

The alkaloid boldine is one of the principles that has more activity for this natural remedy, offering help as a decontracter and anti-inflammatory.

Formerly it was applied for cervical pain, wrist sprains, ankle or knee pains.

Improves the digestive system

The first definition of the characteristics of the boldo would be as digestive plant.

The aromatic substance known as Cineol present in this medicinal plant, it has a toning effect on the gastrointestinal system, reducing stomach pains, improving digestion and avoiding acidity and stomach heaviness.

This infusion has positive effects against the discomfort generated by gas accumulation.

Read: digestive infusions to relieve stomach pain

Reduces flatulence

The essential extract ascaridole it has a sedative effect and reduces flatulence, improving digestion and the passage of gases through the body.

Therefore, we can also classify the boldo as a carminative plant.

It is perfect to take in infusion or mixed with other plants, such as bay leaf infusion, giving a different touch to the mixture final

Sleep better with boldo infusion

Boldo infusion provides citrus-related essential oils, such as the following:

This means that, together with the glycosides present in the boldo infusion, it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

In short, we have a medicinal plant with a multitude of properties given by its concentration in essential extracts.

This has meant that, today, boldo is used as an adjuvant and ingredient of insecticides (for its citrus smell) and Perfumes.

fresh boldo plant

How to take boldo infusion

Prepare boldo infusion

25 grams of boldo leaves per liter of water, bringing it to a boil, before meals or before bedtime

The most traditional form of consumption is the boldo infusion. Dry leaves are usually used, as their preservation is also comfortable.

The process of cooking the leaves is very simple and similar to that of other medicinal plants.

Put a pot to boil and add the dried leaves just before boiling. Let 5 min to release all the extracts and turn off the heat.

Rest until the liquid is at a temperature of consumption and will be ready.

Although the infusion is the most comfortable and traditional, we can find in the market other forms of consumption. There are different brands that market Capsules or the essential oil, which will serve for muscle mases and to reduce the symptoms of respiratory conditions.

An example of a mixture of boldo plant extracts to mix with water would be the following composition:

  • Flavonoids: 5 mg
  • Cynarin: 0.8 mg
  • Fumarin: 0.15 mg
  • Boldine:0.15 mg

Prepare the stomach for large and heavy meals, and helps eliminate the feeling of heaviness and acidity.

Are there contraindications to taking boldo infusion?

As in other medicinal plants and infusions, they can exist contraindications when taking boldo.

As a period of safety of consumption, 4 weeks (1 month) are established, time for which its consumption must be stopped.

This does not apply to essential oils, as they are not used for consumption.

Due to its properties to improve intestinal transit, it can cause a laxative effect if we use more doses than indicated or prolong consumption.

As with many other medicinal plants, the infusion of boldo and the consumption of capsules in preparations is not advised to children and pregnant women.

Those who suffer from liver conditions or kidney diseases may have contraindications with boldo, so they should seek advice from a medical specialist before consumption.

Interactions of boldo with medications

It should be borne in mind that some substances present in the boldo infusion, like coumarin, have an anticoagulant effect, which can influence the activity of various drugs and complicate chronic pathologies in patients.

If you have problems with blood clotting, which causes a risk of heart attacks and thrombi, boldo can help reduce clotting and have a more liquid blood, but you should always ask yourself first with your doctor.

About Lela M Altman

Lela M. Altman is a distinguished biochemist dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of life at the molecular level. With a robust background in molecular biology and genetics, she has contributed significantly to our understanding of key cellular processes. Her groundbreaking research spans diverse areas, from DNA replication mechanisms to protein folding dynamics. Dr. Altman's work has led to innovative treatments for various diseases and shed light on the origins of life itself. Her unwavering commitment to scientific exploration has earned her accolades and respect in the scientific community, solidifying her status as a trailblazing figure in the field of biochemistry.

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