Home » Herbal Infusions » Discover the Benefits of Brewing Oolong Tea

Discover the Benefits of Brewing Oolong Tea

Benefits of Oolong Tea

Known by many as blue tea, this infusion is one of the most consumed today, for two reasons: its exquisite flavor and, mainly, its slimming properties. The Oolong tea it is blue in color, being an intermediate between green tea and black tea. That is why that particular tone is observed in this type of drinks.

Originally from China, this infusion has been very popular in Asia for thousands of years and today, it is also well known in the West.

As far as taste is concerned, it is more like green tea than black tea. In this sense, it does not have the sweet and pinkish aroma of black, but it also does not have the strong herbal notes, which characterize greens.

In short, we are in the presence of one of the infusions of this type, softer and floral that can be tried these days.

While all teas come from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis, the difference between these drinks, occurs in the part of the plant that is used and, especially, in the mechanism that is carried out in its formulation.

If you want to know what it is for, it is worth knowing in depth, all the properties of Chinese oolong tea and the impact that its intake can generate, in the functioning of our body.

Medicinal properties of Oolong tea

The first thing to know, is that this drink is a fusion between black and green tea, which results in a very soft drink. 2 variants of this infusion can be made: toasted or soft.

Among the most important compounds of Oolong tea, we find: tannins, vitamins, polyphenols, minerals and caffeine.

What is this tea for? It is beneficial for various aspects related to people’s health.

First of all, it is a drink that acts as a powerful antioxidant, making it perfect for skin care and cellular health, thus strengthening the body’s defenses and the entire immune system.

In addition, the caffeine that tea has, makes a minimum dose of 400-500 mg a day, have protective cardiovascular effects.

Among the medicinal properties of Oolong tea, without a doubt, it emphasizes the amount of GABA (an important amino acid), which helps control blood pressure. In addition, the composition of vitamins C, E and carotene.

In turn, contains minerals extremely important for the body, such as zinc, selenium, manganese and potassium.

This tea is a very good alternative, to take care of the digestive system, since this drink has alkalizing effects, so it significantly reduces inflammations in the stomach.

On the other hand, being also a great source of fluoride, is a great ally to strengthen our bones and teeth.

Among its main benefits, we find that this infusion is known in China as “the longevity tea“.

This is because it contains a lot of antioxidants, which help the skin look young and refreshing. Also, thanks to the contribution of amino acids, it is beneficial for hair and nails.

Of all these healthy characteristics for the body, there is no doubt that, the most important quality is its ability as a slimmer.

Why does it help you lose weight?

Blue tea is able to speed up the pace of people’s metabolism, which translates into improved digestive health.

In addition, it regulates cholesterol and allows to correct discomforts such as diarrhea. And also, it burns fat in the abdomen area.

This is possible, by the high catechin content (antioxidants), which facilitates digestion and accelerates metabolism, resulting in weight loss.

According to studies in China, with a regular cup a day, about 3 kilos are lost in a month and a half, which is a more than interesting number.  Of course, this will also depend on the physical activities and daily diet that the person follows.

Even in this giant Asian country, they claim that being a fixed consumer of this drink can avoid suffering from obesity.

Specialists claim that the best time to have a cup of blue tea is after lunch or dinner (or both). Ideally, Oolong tea should be highly concentrated, so that it acts better on fats.

How to prepare Oolong tea?

The medicinal properties of Oolong tea, make it a great ally, when thinking about a healthy drink for daily consumption. Therefore, it is vital to know how to prepare it.

The leaves necessary to prepare this infusion are partially fermented and are part, as we have already said, of the plant. Camellia Sinensis.

The elaboration of blue tea is practically the same as that of any tea in strands. That is, water is boiled in a teapot, and then the Oolong is put on a special strainer or spoon and poured into the boiling water.

For everything to be perfect, it is necessary that the infusion rests between 5 and 7 minutes, so that it takes on the characteristic color and accentuates its flavor.

It is essential to take it hot, so it is an ideal drink, for after lunch and dinner, especially for its digestive properties.

The end result has to be a soft, sweet infusion that persists for a while, on the consumer’s palate.


This tea has few contraindications, although it is always necessary to take some precautions, at the time of consuming it.

In this sense, it is never advisable to consume in excess, regardless of how healthy it is, since there are compounds present that in high doses cause harm.

In this case, the high content of caffeine in this infusion is what makes it vital to pay close attention in some specific situations.

First of all, if a person has problems in their bones (such as osteoporosis), it is not advisable to drink more than 3 cups of this tea daily, because it can threaten the necessary and indispensable presence of calcium in the body.

For those who have irritable bowels or recurrent diarrhea, it is necessary to be cautious with the consumption of blue tea, since, if drunk in large quantities, it can aggravate these problems.

Finally, this tea is not good for people who are very anxious, since the high presence of caffeine in this drink, can worsen this state.

In conclusion, both for people without any problem in their body, and for those who have some discomfort, the ideal is to take between 2 and 3 cups a day of this ancient Asian drink.


About Lela M Altman

Lela M. Altman is a distinguished biochemist dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of life at the molecular level. With a robust background in molecular biology and genetics, she has contributed significantly to our understanding of key cellular processes. Her groundbreaking research spans diverse areas, from DNA replication mechanisms to protein folding dynamics. Dr. Altman's work has led to innovative treatments for various diseases and shed light on the origins of life itself. Her unwavering commitment to scientific exploration has earned her accolades and respect in the scientific community, solidifying her status as a trailblazing figure in the field of biochemistry.

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