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7 Remedies for Aphonia and Throat Irritation

infusion of ginger and lemon

Aphonia is a serious problem that appears when we force our voice a lot or subject our throat to sudden changes in temperature.

For those who base their profession using the voice, having this type of inconvenience is a serious problem for the course of their work.

However, we are going to comment on some remedies for aphonia based on medicinal properties of plants and foods that improve the functionality of the buccal cords.

Causes that favor aphonia

We are continually subjected to situations in which we have to force our voice. Whether it is because we are teachers, we are in a concert or show, there are sudden temperature changes, etc., we daily compromise our voice.

With these situations discussed, inflammations occur in the throat and vocal cords where situations of aphonia, hoarseness or loss of voice begin.

Although the remedy that works best is not to talk for a while until the inflammation subsides, we do not always have the privilege of being able to be silent for quite some time.

Foods and natural remedies for aphonia

This is where some natural remedies come into play that will speed up the recovery process. Many of them have been scientifically proven, so they offer a lot of security in their use.

A report reveals that 9 out of 10 people have suffered or will suffer episodes of aphonia or hoarseness throughout their lives. In general, loss of the quality and strength of the voice and, therefore, reduction of communication capacity.

Voice problems may be caused by the following sources

  • Aphonia
  • Hoarseness
  • Formation of nodules on the strings
  • Presence of polyps in the throat
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Cancer of the larynx
  • Chronic or acute laryngitis

A simple aphonia caused by screaming or temperature changes can cause a sore throat, scratch, cough, burning and itching. However, if the origin is this, the solution will be natural within a few days.

Natural causes of aphonia

  • Continuous screaming, whispering, or misuse of the voice
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.)
  • Environments contaminated with oxygen with excessive mucus production or that generate dry throat and itching.
  • Hot environments with very low relative humidity that generate dryness.
  • Temperature changes that cause tension and distension of the vocal cords.
  • Breathing continuously through the mouth (for example, during the night).
  • Rapid contractions of the larynx caused by stress, anxiety, or anger.

Faced with these problems, if we have suffered an acute case and it is not usual in us, we have the following remedies for aphonia, using natural products and that in most cases we have available in the kitchen.

Remedies for aphonia

After commenting on the origin and consequences of being overworking the voice or subjecting it to unsuitable environments, we are going to talk about the main remedies for aphonia, most of them natural.

First of all, many of these remedies for aphonia are based on the fact that you have anti-inflammatory properties.

Other remedies for aphonia have antimicrobial properties, so they reduce the possibility that the initial states of irritation or aphonia cause subsequent inflammation.

Enjoy these natural remedies for aphonia.

1. Lemon tea with honey

Lemon tea with honey and remedies for aphonia

Of all the remedies for aphonia, tea with honey is a widely used resource to try to relax the oral cords.

In addition to drinking something hot that reduces inflammation, lemon has antiseptic effects (to prevent possible complications and infections) and honey, mainly, has some antihistamine action.

We can prepare any infusion, such as red tea, black tea, green tea or classic infusion, to which we will add a few drops of lemon and a tablespoon of honey coffee.

Mix well and drink very hot in a quiet way and enjoying its flavor.


Ginger is widely used for a multitude of medicinal benefits. It can be taken fresh, cooked in many recipes (and not all of them are asian) or even through the infusion of lemon and ginger.

The versatility offered by ginger is also applicable as a natural remedy for aphonia. It reduces dry cough (just like onion), irritation of the mouthstrings and has antimicrobial effects to fight possible derived infections, such as laryngitis.

However, the main effect that is sought as a remedy against aphonia is its anti-inflammatory potential.

The best use that can be made for this problem is by infusion of ginger and lemon, as it combines the combined properties of two products with antibacterial effect.

3. Sugar syrup and onion

Remedies for aphonia with onion

Both garlic and onions are vegetables containing sulfur compounds used to reduce coughing and aphonia in a common way.

In addition to their antiseptic properties, they have also become a good remedy for aphonia. Sugar is added to improve the taste of the syrup, as it does not produce any beneficial effect on coughing, hoarseness or lack of voice.

The properties of onion they provide a balanced nutritional balance and help fight various conditions, calm cough, improve the hoarse voice and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Prepare onion syrup and sugar for aphonia

  • 100 gr. onion
  • 2 tablespoons rosemary honey
  • 100 gr. cane sugar
  • 500 ml. of mineral water

Boil the onion in the water and once we have cooked it, add the sugar and honey (both are complementary and one can replace the other).

It is advisable to take a few tablespoons of this syrup before sleeping.

Similarly, we also have the option of cutting an onion into 2 and placing it on a plate on the bedside table.

The sulfide gases it releases into the environment reduce inflammation of the buccal cords and has antitussive effects.

4. Fresh garlic

Just as onion has antitussive medicinal properties, other remedies for aphonia are also based on garlic or the combination of both vegetables.

The main property of garlic is that it reduces antimicrobial activity and is also related to a large number of stomach benefits, blood sugar regulation, protection of the cardiovascular system, etc. [See Study]

5. Remedies for aphonia with humidifiers

Remedies for aphonia with humidifiers

A common problem that causes throat irritation and aphonia problems is environmental dryness.

Such a lack of humidity can also occur in our house. Because of this, they exist humidifiers that can remedy these drawbacks.

In fact, there are many people sensitive to sudden changes in humidity, affecting their vocal cords and suddenly losing their voice.

The solution is to control, especially at night and in summer (when there is more environmental dryness), using a humidifcador in the room where we sleep.

On the other hand, also in winter, if we have radiators or heaters for continuous use, it is normal that the ambient humidity is also reduced and takes its toll.

If we have a humidifier, a homemade solution is a hot shower that generates enough steam to increase the humidity of the bathroom and breathe that air for a few minutes.

6. Gargle with salt water

One of the most classic remedies for aphonia is gargle using salt diluted in water.

Especially this method is used when we suffer from throat irritation and leads to aphonia or lack of voice.

To prepare this solution, add a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water (approximately 300 ml), stir well and gargle until we notice improvement.

It is advisable to lightly heat the water so that it is somewhat warm. In this way, the salt will dissolve a lot better or and will not cause a thermal shock that alters the vocal cords.

The effect sought is rel ajar the bocales ropes and get an anti-inflammatory remedy. Salt also has an antiseptic effect.

7. Gargle with lemon and baking soda

An alternative to the use of salt that our grandmothers used in the past was using baking soda and adding a little lemon.

As you can see, lemon has been used in several of the remedies for aphonia discussed in this article.

Extra throat care

natural remedies for aphonia

Besides all remedies for aphonia Commented, there are also some guidelines that we have to follow on a daily basis in our lives to prevent these problems.

  • Avoid extremely cold or hot drinks
  • Eliminate tobacco from our lives. Smoke is highly irritable.
  • Breathe through your nose and do breathing exercises.
  • Reduce the stay, as far as possible, of dry or polluted environments

When it is advisable to visit the doctor

A simple aphonia has a solution naturally within a few days or accelerating recovery with the remedies mentioned.

However, if we suffer continuously from throat irritation or acute laryngitis, we should visit the medical specialist to study possible origins.

It is likely that we are sensitive to allergic processes or respiratory infections.

In any case, it will be the doctor in charge of solving and using specific medicines.

Any of the aphonia remedies discussed are perfectly compatible with those that a doctor may recommend.


About Laurie Cullen

Laurie Cullen is a renowned wellness specialist committed to holistic health and well-being. With extensive training in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness practices, she empowers individuals to lead healthier lives. Laurie's approach focuses on creating sustainable lifestyle changes, emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management. Her guidance has transformed the lives of many, helping them achieve optimal physical and mental health. Laurie's dedication to holistic wellness and her ability to inspire and educate others have solidified her reputation as a trusted source of guidance in the pursuit of healthier, happier lives.

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