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The properties and benefits of rosemary

One of the medicinal plants best known and appreciated is rosemary. From this plant we have allusions of infusions, honey, aromatic sprays, preservation of meat and cheeses, skin firming, etc. And, to tell the truth, rosemary has many properties that are applied both for their own benefit, as human beings, and for plants. The benefits of rosemary are there, we just have to find a way to get them.

The origin of Rosmarinus officinalis

This is how rosemary is scientifically known. In turn, within this denomination we can also find other subtypes, such as the creeping rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis “Prostratus”. There are times that, for aesthetic or ornamental reasons we need this plant not to have vertical growth, such as when we want to cover a wall (with the fall of its stems) or plant it under trees of small size. However, from the medicinal point of view, we can not care.

The origin of rosemary is established in the European Mediterranean area. In Spain we can enjoy this plant throughout the southern area, either on the coast or in the interior. It is usually wild and rustic, grows without human intervention and does not need any care to survive.

And yet the benefits of rosemary are great…

The Benefits of Creeping Rosemary

There are so many properties that rosemary provides us, especially from its essential oils, that we have to divide them according to the way we apply it.

Why is rosemary so well known and appreciated?

What makes Rosmarinus officinalis It is so interesting in the XXI century are all the active ingredients it has, interesting both for pharmacological application (drug development) and therapeutic.

Another element to highlight is that, unlike other plants, it does not need almost any care or require important applications of fertilizers or water. Its Mediterranean origin, with mild winters and hot summers, with little incidence of rainfall and poor soils, has allowed it to adapt perfectly to almost any terrain, from sandy or silty to stony, with low level of organic matter.

Does any plant sound familiar that needs little care and provides many benefits? The Aloe Vera, for example.

From rosemary, we can extract the following compounds, very interesting for the human being:

  • Diterpenes: extracts in very low concentrations with anticancer potential or for the treatment of glaucoma.
  • Flavonoids: metabolites with antimicrobial, anticancer and protective properties of the cardiovascular system.
  • Phenolic acids: phytofortifying organic compounds of plants and protective activity.
  • Triterpene alcohols: have great pharmacological activity.
  • Rosemary essential oils: we can find camphene, pinene, cineole. camphor and limonene in doses less than 2%.
  • Triterpenic acids: such as ursolic acid. An antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiulcer potential, etc.

Great benefits of rosemary and little care.

What effects do all these compounds produce?

The benefits of rosemary are based on applying, in recommended amounts, all the components mentioned above. Whether in application on the skin, in infusions or through the tasting of dishes (meats, fish, cheeses, breads, honey, etc.), it will provide you with all these medicinal and therapeutic properties:

  • It helps reduce stomach pains and digestive system problems.
  • It is a good complement for diets against anemic states or lack of iron.
  • It has antioxidant potential, so it prevents mental illnesses related to cellular aging.
  • It has great potential as a hair treatment, anti-dandruff, darkening and nourishing.
  • Relaxing for muscle pain.
  • Its infusion is stimulating, antiseptic and diuretic.
  • Firming and nourishing for the skin.
  • Reduces menstrual cramps.
  • It has long-term antidepressant effect.

Possible toxicities

We must avoid ingesting the extracts of essential oils, because they come in very high concentrations and can have neurotoxic compounds.

Despite the benefits of rosemary, its intake in the period of pregnancy is not advised without prior consultation with a specialist doctor. After all, rosemary has many compounds that, even at low concentrations, may not be indicated for gestation.

It has stimulating action, so the intake of large amounts can lead to insomnia.

How to make rosemary alcohol

The rosemary alcohol it has always been used to relieve or remedy muscle or rheumatic pain, overloads due to excessive physical activity, nerve pain (neuralgia), etc.

Benefits of Rosemary Alcohol
The benefits of rosemary can be obtained, comfortably, through rosemary oil, widely used in gastronomy.

Its application is made on the skin by rubbing with cloth impregnated with rosemary alcohol. To do it homemade and get all the benefits of rosemary for the skin and musculature, we simply have to follow these steps:

  1. We take fresh parts of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). The ideal would be to take rosemary stems in flowering season, because this way we would also take advantage of its flowers, very recognized in the therapeutic industry.
  2. Fill a plastic or glass container of these parts of the rosemary and cover it with 96º alcohol.
  3. Close it tightly and let it keep for at least 15 days, so that the alcohol is impregnated with all the essential oils of rosemary.
  4. After 15 days, we can filter or strain the solid parts of the broth and move to a new jar.

On the other hand, we can also buy in specialized stores the concentrated alcohol of rosemary:

Benefits of rosemary to lose weight

From the medical point of view, rosemary tea or infusion is an ideal complement for help you lose weight. It is not based on a miracle product and its function in our diet is very well defined. It is a powerful accelerator of gastric and intestinal metabolism, so it reduces states of anxiety and the urge to eat.

The combined use of rosemary infusion, added to a life rich in physical activity and balanced diet, provides a greater stimulus when it comes to losing weight.

Let’s not forget about its g either.ran vitamin content (A, C and E, among others) and its iron content, ideal for diets that fight anemia.

How to make rosemary tea?

To make a good infusion and take advantage of all the benefits of creeping rosemary, we will proceed as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh parts of rosemary
  • 1 cup or glass of water.

We will put a saucepan with the water and boil it. When the water is more than 100 ºC add the tablespoon with the fresh parts of the rosemary, turn off the heat and let stand for 15 minutes.

With a strainer or a porous cloth, strain the solid parts of the mixture and preserve the water with the rosemary mixture. Add sugar to taste and it will be ready to drink. We can drink 2 or 3 cups a day of rosemary tea, before or after each meal.

Benefits for hair

The benefits of rosemary in the kitchen
Rosmarinus officinalis.

Although no truthful and scientific conclusion has been reached that rosemary stimulates hair growth, yes, a revitalizing and moisturizing effect has been verified, and an effective anti-dandruff and gray hair darkening treatment.

It can be used for the benefit of other pharmacological products of proven effectiveness against hair loss, as a nourishing supplement for hair. In fact, in many supermarkets you can find gels, creams and shampoos with rosemary extracts.

This is because rosemary provides the scalp with the same moisturizing and firming effect what it does in the rest of the parts of the body. When we apply rosemary oil to the hair (5 drops added to the shampoo mixture that we apply, for example), it stimulates the blood circulation of the head, stimulating the hair follicles.

In any case, as I said before, its action can favor the delay in falling from hair, but not the formation of new follicles.

About Laurie Cullen

Laurie Cullen is a renowned wellness specialist committed to holistic health and well-being. With extensive training in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness practices, she empowers individuals to lead healthier lives. Laurie's approach focuses on creating sustainable lifestyle changes, emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management. Her guidance has transformed the lives of many, helping them achieve optimal physical and mental health. Laurie's dedication to holistic wellness and her ability to inspire and educate others have solidified her reputation as a trusted source of guidance in the pursuit of healthier, happier lives.

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