Medicinal properties of Geum urbanum (St. Benedict’s wort)

We find a plant, Geum urbanum, which stands out for its medicinal properties against stomach pains. Although other benefits are also attributed to it, the composition of its extracts and principles are intended for this type of problem. Its common name is St. Benedict’s wort, known more than by its scientific name in many parts

Properties of horsetail

No, it’s not about cutting the hair off the horse’s tail and making an infusion. By the way, it would be quite unpleasant. We talk about the ponytail as a plant, known as Equisetum arvense, so as not to get into mistakes. Although it is not an ornamental or attractive plant (in fact it is

Medicinal properties of leonurus cardiac

Gender Leonurus (to which it belongs leonurus cardiac) is made up of around 80 herbaceous plants from a well-known family such as the Lamiaceae. Commonly known as motherwort, it is native to different countries in Asia and Europe, so it is widespread and can be identified in many areas. Within this genus, we find plants

Medicinal properties of tansy (tanacetum vulgare)

In the historical list of medicinal plants, the Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) occupies an important place. Commonly known as lombriguera herb, due to its ability to eliminate parasites and widely used by this property in antiquity, today it is in disuse due to the toxicity of some of its components. However, it deserves its place in

Medicinal properties of red clover (trifolium pratense)

We are pleased to present a legume (such as beans, peas, soy, etc.) with medicinal power. It is the red clover, known scientifically as trifolium pratense. A herbaceous that in itself can be used as an ornamental for garden decoration. It has a morphological appearance relatively similar to that of a rose, but with a

Properties of milk thistle for your health

Scientifically it is known as Silybum marianum, but it is practically usual to name it as milk thistle. A robust plant, of great rusticity and that in good soils can reach the meter of height. It is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae like many other medicinal plants that we have mentioned on the

Medicinal properties of succisa pratensis (devil’s bite)

We find today a plant that has a very striking common name. It is commonly known as devil’s bite, but its scientific name is succisa pratensis. A herbaceous plant of a family not so well known in the botanical world, Caprifoliaceae. A succisa pratensis we can find it distributed in several European and North African

Properties of Dandelion – How to prepare it

A well-known plant in the world of medicinal plants is dandelion. Its effects have been studied and evaluated by many agencies and scientific trials. The properties of dandelion they have been known for many years, as many of their components, such as caféic acid, have been studied at length. In this article we intend to

7 Super Effective Natural Cough Remedies

Although it can sometimes be very mild, cough is always annoying. Have you ever stopped to think about why we coughed? As a general rule, it is because the nerve endings located between the throat and lungs are irritated by different factors: bacteria, viruses … This produces coughing, a defense mechanism of our body whose

Properties and benefits of cinnamon

The benefits of cinnamon make this species, apart from being one of the most delicious you can find, an ingredient of obligatory consumption. It has a characteristic flavor and it is quite common to find it in different desserts such as custard, in some ice creams or in rice pudding, thanks to that particular flavor