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6 Home Remedies for Headache

No one has time for pain! Use some of these 6 Home Remedies for Headache and feel better.

Currently, there are 1,200,000,000 things that can make your head hurt. Obviously it is a random number (which may fall short). Work anxiety, family problems, poor sleep, poor eating, etc. We need home remedies for headache, and that’s why we bring you some simple ones to get to give you the relief you need so much.

Irritable bosses, traffic jams, noises, etc. Even good things can give you a headache (like ice cream). Generally speaking, headaches are your body’s response to physical or emotional stress.

That stress can cause muscles of the head and neck they contract to cause tension headaches, or it can cause blood vessels to narrow and then expand to produce migraines or vascular headaches.

Also, if the sinuses are congested or infected by a simple cold, often ends up with a severe headache. Despite the discomfort, most headaches are temporary and respond very well to natural headache remedies.

home remedies for headache with infusions

1. Thyme and rosemary oil to massage the nape of the neck and forehead

To relieve the headache, apply one or two drops of thyme essential oil or rosemary on each temple and forehead.

Rub gently on the skin and settle on your favorite sofa quietly for several minutes.

In a 2010 study, researchers found that thyme and rosemary oils contain carvacrol, a substance that acts as a COX-II inhibitor, just like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.

2. Take magnesium as a headache remedy

Researchers say that migraine sufferers should always keep this essential mineral at high levels in the body.

It turns out that those who have migraine usually have low magnesium levels in the brain during seizures and may also have a general magnesium deficiency.

In fact, two placebo-controlled clinical studies have shown that taking magnesium supplements can prevent headaches.

Experts recommend taking 400 milligrams per day of chelated magnesium, magnesium oxide or slow-release magnesium, all of which are available without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Magnesium is also rich in foods such as pumpkin seeds, mackerel, dried figs, and dark chocolate.

3. You may need more vitamin B2!

In one study, 59 percent of participants cut migraine frequency half after taking 400 milligrams of this vitamin (known as riboflavin) daily for three months.

For volunteers who took a placebo, only 15% of them reported fewer migraine events.

Some foods that contain this vitamin are: almonds, sesame seeds, certain fish and some cheeses.

4. Butterbur extract

Of all the home remedies for headache, a medicinal plant called butterbur (Petasites hybridus) has been shown to be so effective for migraine relief that doctors who specialize in treating migraines often recommend it.

At least three studies have been conducted on Petadolex, an over-the-counter butterbur extract, and in each study, the herb has significantly reduced migraine attacks compared to a placebo. Interesting to have in the medicine drawer this medicinal plant extract.

The recommended dose is 75 milligrams twice a day for a month and then 50 milligrams twice a day. If others don’t work for you home remedies for headache, the butterbur can be your solution.

5. Use ginger regularly

home remedies for headache with ginger

The Ginger can work against migraines by inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins. In addition, it can help calm the nausea that often accompanies migraines.

One of the classic ways to take advantage of ginger, among other home remedies for headache is by infusion. Prepare a homemade tea by simmering (for 30 minutes) three slices of ginger in 2 cups of water.

6. Home Remedies for Headache: Chamomile

Chamomile infusion has compounds that help relieve pain and encourage relaxation. Prepare a cup with a bag of chamomile tea in a cup of freshly boiled water.

If you want, you can alter the original flavor of chamomile by adding honey or lemon, among other compounds.  Take a few minutes to slowly sip the hot tea while sitting in a quiet, noise-free place. It will help you relax and is a fabulous natural remedy for headache.

About Laurie Cullen

Laurie Cullen is a renowned wellness specialist committed to holistic health and well-being. With extensive training in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness practices, she empowers individuals to lead healthier lives. Laurie's approach focuses on creating sustainable lifestyle changes, emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management. Her guidance has transformed the lives of many, helping them achieve optimal physical and mental health. Laurie's dedication to holistic wellness and her ability to inspire and educate others have solidified her reputation as a trusted source of guidance in the pursuit of healthier, happier lives.

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