Properties of hawthorn

Traditional Chinese medicine has contributed numerous medicinal plants that today are being studied scientifically to verify their viability. The case of hawthorn, known as “shanzha” in traditional medicine, has historically been used in numerous problems. For example, it was used as a medicinal product to improve digestion and the cardiovascular system. Today, some of its

Scientifically analyzed properties of Ginkgo biloba

The properties of Ginkgo biloba it offers us a complete list of remedies that today we can enjoy in the most comfortable and safe way possible. This ancient tree, due to its capacity for resistance, has been attributed since World War 2 a great medical importance, so its active components have been subjected to scientific

5 Health Benefits of Kuzu

We discovered a new plant, known as kuzu or Kudzu, belonging to traditional Chinese medicine. It has usually been used in ancient times for a multitude of stomach ailments. However, today it has been analyzed in several clinical trials for its content in insoflavones, earning the interest of the scientific community. Our interest has been

Medicinal plants most interesting for science

We live in the XXI century tied to many medicines and products to combat diseases, when several centuries ago it was said that food was true health. Therefore, the scientific community has been looking for healthy alternatives to the main diseases of this century, such as heart attacks, diabetes, obesity and cancer, for many years.

Pharmacological properties of black henbane

In medicinal plant medicine, we find species that can be potentially toxic, but that a pharmacological expert can obtain interesting substances for modern medicine. This is the case of the black henbane, with compounds as interesting as atropine or hiscoamine. In this article we want to thoroughly unravel all the possibilities offered by this plant,

Medicinal uses of Digitalis purpurea

Within the plant kingdom, most medicinal plants are considered small herbaceous, and many of them have spontaneous growth in mountainous areas, meadows, and roadsides. In this case, Digitalis purpurea it meets these requirements, and we can see it grow in many areas of the European continent. However, this biannual plant produces flowers that come to

The importance of compost in the soil or substrate

An issue that especially catches our attention is the neglect that is had with the issue of soil quality, either in an orchard of medicinal plants or aromatic or in the substrate that is added to a pot. Not so much for the nutritional contribution that is given (which in itself is not very high)

What is a hydrolate and how is it prepared?

The benefits that nature gives us are multiple, from the foods we consume daily, to the natural weather cycles that help us regulate our routine. We can name many other uses of nature, and we would never finish reading this article. One of these benefits, with multiple uses, is the creation of the hydrolates. These